Hello Coffee Shop
Manager/Staff Item Making Storage Item Sales Shop Expansion Garden Expansion Level Up Shop Grade Reputaion/Customers
Takeout Smart Car Boat Order
Fruit Juice Stand
Orchard Fruit Storage Fruit Delivery Van Fruit Tree
Franchise Franchise Mission
Coco Gold
Parts Storage Parts Paint
Coco Package Premium Package Coco Fruit Tree Ad Free
Free Item Free Package
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Franchise Mission
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Franchise Mission

Work Together & Earn Awesome Rewards!

Starting a Mission

Automatic Mission Start

Mission Progress


Mission types & rewards

ScoreGold (Individual)Coco (Team)Parts (Team)Paint (Team)
TakeoutNumber of sales20% of the sale price3 Coco
(1,000 points)
3 different parts,
1 of each
(2,500 points)
3 different random paints
(5,000 points)
Smart Car DeliveryNumber of sales20% of the sale price3 Coco
(5,000 points)
3 different parts,
1 of each
(12,500 points)
3 different random paints
(25,000 points)
Fruit Juice SalesNumber of sales
(counted when gold is collected)
20% of the sale price3 Coco
(2,000 points)
3 different parts,
1 of each
(5,000 points)
3 different random paints
(10,000 points)
Fruit SalesNumber of sales
(counted when the fruit delivery van is sent)
(includes takeout orders)
20% of the sale price3 Coco
(2,000 points)
3 different parts,
1 of each
(5,000 points)
3 different random paints
(10,000 points)
Shop SalesOn/Offline Number of sales
(Coffee Shop / Goods Shop / BBQ Shop)
20% of the sale price
(excludes tips)
3 Coco
(20,000 points)
3 different parts,
1 of each
(50,000 points)
3 different random paints
(100,000 points)

Offline sales from shop sales missions won't be counted if you log in after the mission ends. Make sure to log in before the mission ends to ensure your offline sales are counted!

You cannot receive team rewards (Coco, Parts, Paint) if you do not participate in the mission.

Rewards must be claimed within 4 days of the mission ending. Rewards cannot be claimed once the next mission start time comes.

Unclaimed rewards are forfeited upon leaving the franchise and cannot be recovered, even after rejoining.