Terms of Service

Chapter 1 General Rules

Article 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Terms of Service is to define rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between AppsTree (the Company) and the users (hereinafter Members) using the Appstree service (the Service) provided by the Company.

Article 2. Definitions

The definitions of terms used in this agreement are set as follows. Terms undefined herein shall be interpreted in accordance with relevant laws and legislations, the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, or the commercial customs.

The Service : refers to mobile games service by the Company.

Member : refers to a customer who logs into the Service, signs an agreement for use with the Company in accordance with these Terms, and uses the Service.

App : refers to a program that enables the Member to install and use the Service on his/her mobile device.

Game Cash : refers to virtual currency obtained from the Service for real money.

Refund : means that the Company returns cash equivalent to the remaining game cash to the Member.

Article 3. Effectiveness and Amendment of Terms

The Company shall post the Terms of Service on the help of the App as a fixed menu so that the Member can easily access the contents.

The Company may amend the Terms within the scope of not violating relevant laws and international conventions.

In case of revision of these Terms, the Company shall post a notice in the App with a clear statement of the application date as well as the current Terms of Service seven (7) days prior to the application date. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to the Member, the Company shall extend this notification period for thirty (30) days prior to the application date.

The Member has the right to disagree to the amended Terms of Service. If the Member does not agree to the amended Terms of Service, he/she has the right to terminate the agreement for use. Notwithstanding the clear statement of the Company, when it gives a notification pursuant to the previous clause, that the Member would be deemed to have agreed with the amended Terms of Service if he/she does not express any opinion within thirty (30) days, if the Member does not show any disagreement explicitly, the Member shall be deemed to have agreed with the amended version of the Terms of Service.

Any matters not provided herein shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and legislations or the commercial customs.

Chapter 2 Entering into the Agreement for Use

Article 4. Agreement for Use

The Member shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms if he/she reads the Terms and selects "Agree" in the process of registration.

The agreement for use shall be entered after the person who wishes to use the Service agrees to the Terms of Service, applies for a membership, and the Company approves the application.

Chapter 3 Use of Service

Article 5. Use of Service

Upon its approval of the Member's request for use, the Company shall provide the Member with services. In case it is incapable of starting services for operational or technical reasons, the Company shall announce such delays on the Service or notify the Member immediately.

In principle, the Service is provided all year around, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. However, for operational issues including but not limited to regular maintenance check, expansion or replacement of the Service system, all or part of the Service may not be provided for a period specified by the Company. In this case, the Company shall notify the Member of the suspension of the Service in advance.

The Company may suspend the Service temporarily without any prior notice or warning if it is unable to provide the Service for the reasons including but not limited to unscheduled maintenance check, expansion or replacement of the Service system, national emergency, power failure, breakdown or downtime of the Service facilities, or excessive use.

The Company may specify service available times for the Service. In this case, the Company shall announce the service schedule publicly in advance, except for the cases when the Service is disrupted for reasons beyond the control of the Company.

Article 6. Use of the App

The Member may download the App from open markets provided by Google or Apple, and install and use it on his/her mobile device.

The Member shall neither try to avoid, alter, or abuse security technologies or software used to implement part of the Service or the Terms of Service nor encourage others to do such prohibited actions.

The Member shall be solely responsible for all consequences of violating this provision.

Article 7. Payment Refund

The Member may cancel their payment for directly purchased content within 7 (seven) days of the date of purchase if the content remains unused. A request for payment cancellation may be submitted to customer support. Appstree will handle a request for payment cancellation within 3 (three) business days of the day the content is returned. Appstree may not accept requests for payment cancellation where the effect is applied upon purchase or where the content is used partially or wholly.

Chapter 4 Termination of Agreement and restrictions on Use

Article 8. Termination of Agreement and Restriction on Use

In case that the Member conducts actions as listed below or the competent authorities such as Korea Communications Standards Commission request, the Company may terminate the agreement with the Member without a prior notification, or may restrict his/her use of the Service for a certain period and delete his/her postings in question without a prior notification:

① Actions that are counter to social morals such as posting obscene contents or having obscene web sites linked within the Service for the purpose of sharing.

② Actions such as distributing information, phrases, figures and voices of the contents which disrupt public order or morals.

③ Action that is defaming or insulting.

④ Actions infringing the right of the Company or a third party such as copyrights and intellectual property rights.

⑤ Actions producing, importing, transmitting or posting technologies, products or information which are banned from producing, importing, transmitting or posting under the relevant laws and regulations.

⑥ Actions regarded as or associated with crime.

⑦ The act of hacking, distributing viruses or continuously transmitting the contents such as advertisement against others’ will.

⑧ The act of falsely using IDs of other Members.

⑨ The act of collecting, falsely using, storing or distributing other Members' Personal Information.

⑩ The act of impersonating others.

⑪ The act of modifying the originally produced contents or writings posted on the Service.

⑫ The act of stalking or bullying others.

⑬ Actions gaining financial benefits or disrupting a normal operation of the Service of the Company by joining or withdrawing numerous times without significant reasons.

⑭ The act of giving, selling or renting his/her ID.

⑮ Actions that may deem to disrupt the operation of the Service or that violates relevant regulations.

Upon receiving a new request to use the Service from the Member with whom the Company terminated the agreement in accordance with this Article, the Company may prohibit the approval of the request for a certain period or may reject the request.

Article 9. Suspension and Termination of Account and Service

Without limiting any other remedies, Appstree may limit, suspend, terminate, modify, or delete accounts or access to Appstree services or portions thereof if you are, or Appstree suspects that you are, failing to comply with any of these terms of service or for any actual or suspected illegal or improper use of the service, with or without notice to you. you accept that at such discretion of Appstree you can lose your user name and persona as a result of account termination or limitation, as well as any benefits, privileges, earned items and purchased items associated with your use of the service, and that Appstree is under no obligation to compensate you for any such losses or results.

Without limiting our other remedies, we may limit, suspend or terminate the service and user accounts or portions thereof, prohibit access to our games and sites, and their content, services and tools, delay or remove hosted content, and take technical and legal steps to prevent users from accessing the service if we believe that they are creating risk or possible legal liabilities, infringing the intellectual property rights of third parties, or acting inconsistently with the letter or spirit of our terms or policies. additionally, we may, in appropriate circumstances and at our sole discretion, suspend or terminate accounts of users who may be repeat infringers of third party intellectual property rights.

Appstree reserves the right to terminate any account that has been inactive for 365 days.

Appstree reserves the right to stop offering and/or supporting the Service or a particular game or part of the Service at any time, at which point your license to use the Service or a part thereof will be automatically terminated. In such event, Appstree shall not be required to provide refunds, benefits or other compensation to users in connection with such discontinued Services. Termination of your Account can include disabling your access to the Service or any part thereof including any content you submitted or others submitted.

Chapter 5 Obligations and Responsibilities of Parties

Article 10. Duties of the Company

The Company shall comply with relevant laws and these Terms of Service, and shall make the utmost efforts to provide the Service consistently and stably.

When the Company receives any complaints from the Member with respect to the use of the Service, the Company shall handle them without delay. If it is unable to respond to the complaints immediately, the Company shall inform the Member of the reasons for its delay and future measures.

Article 11. Obligations of Members

The Member shall abide by the relevant laws, provisions of the Terms of Service, and guides for the use as well as the Company’s notices and notifications with respect to the Service, and shall not conduct behaviors that may interfere with the Company’s businesses.

The Member shall not use the Service for any commercial purpose without the Company's prior approval, and shall neither distribute nor publish illegal contents.

The Member shall be responsible for managing and protecting his/her ID and Password. The Company shall not be liable for any consequences incurred from the disclosure of the Member's ID and Password due to his/her negligence, unless such disclosure was caused by the intention or gross negligence of the Company.

Without the prior permission of the author of a posting or the Company, the Member shall not copy, reproduce, alter, translate, publish, broadcast, advertise, sell, transmit, use in any other form, or provide a third party with the posting or any other information that he/she obtains in the course of using the Service.

The Member shall not violate intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights, of the Company and third parties.

The Member shall not use the Service for any commercial purpose without the Company's agreement.

Chapter 6 Compensation and Liability Exemption

Article 12. Compensation for Damage

The Company shall be responsible for compensating for damages caused by the intention or gross negligence of the Company while the Member uses the Service.

The Member shall compensate the Company for damages incurred by the Member as a consequence of violating the obligations specified in these Terms or using the Service.

Article 13. Limitation of Liability

The Company will not be liable for its incapability of providing the Service if such incapability of performance is attributable to an event of force majeure or natural disasters.

The Company will not be liable for a Member’s inability to access to or use of the Service for any reason directly attributed to the Member. However, this liability exemption shall not apply when the Member has an unavoidable or valid reason.

The Company will not be liable for the reliability and accuracy of any content including information, data, or facts relating to the Service posted by Members.

The Company will not be liable for any transactions or trades made between Members or between a Member and a third party via the Service.

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Company will not be liable for any consequences resulting from using free services provided by the Company.

Article 14. Dispute Resolution

The laws of the Republic of Korea will govern any claim that might arise out of or relate to these Terms.

All disputes arising in connection with the Service will be brought solely in a competent court designated by the Code of Civil Procedure.


This privacy policy will take effect on October 1, 2022.

[Previous Terms of Service]

May 5, 2015