Hello Coffee Shop
Manager/Staff Item Making Storage Item Sales Shop Expansion Garden Expansion Level Up Shop Grade Reputaion/Customers
Takeout Smart Car Boat Order
Fruit Juice Stand
Orchard Fruit Storage Fruit Delivery Van Fruit Tree
Coco Gold Parts
Coco Package Premium Package Coco Fruit Tree
Free Item Free Package
Daily Quest Manager Mission Daily Challenge Achievement
Gift Shop BBQ Shop and Bus Friends Ranking Account/Profile Game Settings
AppsTree language


Achievement rewards are the most effective way to earn Coco. There are a total of 20 achievements, each with 3 stages, offering a total of 60 rewards.

Achievement1 Star / Rewards2 Stars / Rewards3 Stars / RewardsReference
1Brewing Coffee100 times
5 Coco
500 times
10 Coco
5,000 times
20 Coco
Item Making in Coffee Shop
2Luxury Shop500
5 Coco
10 Coco
20 Coco
Reputation Points
3GradeSeed I
5 Coco
Sprout I
10 Coco
Leaf I
20 Coco
Shop Grade
4Takeout10 times
5 Coco
50 times
10 Coco
500 times
20 Coco
5Friends5 friends
5 Coco
30 friends
10 Coco
50 friends
20 Coco
Making Friends
6Challenge5 times
5 Coco
25 times
10 Coco
250 times
20 Coco
Daily Challenge
7Fruit Juice10 times
5 Coco
100 times
10 Coco
1,000 times
20 Coco
Fruit Juice Sales
8Smart Car10 times
5 Coco
50 times
10 Coco
500 times
20 Coco
Smart Car Delivery
9Boat Order5 times
5 Coco
25 times
10 Coco/td>
250 times
20 Coco
Boat Order
5 Coco
10 Coco
20 Coco
Coffee Shop Expansion
11Making Goods100 times
5 Coco
500 times
10 Coco
5,000 times
20 Coco
Item Making in Gift Shop
12Cooking BBQ100 times
5 Coco
500 times
10 Coco
5,000 times
20 Coco
Item Making in BBQ Shop
13Bus UpgradeLevel 2
5 Coco
Level 4
10 Coco
Level 6
20 Coco
BBQ Shop's Bus Upgrades
14Land5 blocks
5 Coco
20 blocks
10 Coco
50 blocks
20 Coco
Land Expansion
15Coffee Master1 item
10 Coco
5 items
20 Coco
10 items
50 Coco
Items Master in Coffee Shop
16Goods Master1 item
10 Coco
5 items
20 Coco
10 items
50 Coco
Items Master in Gift Shop
17BBQ Master1 item
10 Coco
5 items
20 Coco
10 items
50 Coco
Items Master in BBQ Shop
18Fruit Harvest50 times
5 Coco
500 times
10 Coco
5,000 times
20 Coco
Harvesting fruit from the fruit trees
19Fruit Sales5 times
5 Coco
50 times
10 Coco
500 times
20 Coco
Send the fruit delivery van to sell fruits

Item Master: Make an item 250 times and achieve 5 stars to become a Master.

How to Check Achievement Progress

Tap the 'Feat' icon in the left of the screen.