Hello Coffee Shop
Manager/Staff Item Making Storage Item Sales Shop Expansion Garden Expansion Level Up Shop Grade Reputaion/Customers
Takeout Smart Car Boat Order
Fruit Juice Stand
Orchard Fruit Storage Fruit Delivery Van Fruit Tree
Coco Gold Parts
Coco Package Premium Package Coco Fruit Tree
Free Item Free Package
Daily Quest Manager Mission Daily Challenge Achievement
Gift Shop BBQ Shop and Bus Friends Ranking Account/Profile Game Settings
AppsTree language


Parts are one of the most important currencies in Hello Coffee Shop, along with Gold.

Collect Parts in various ways to create your own amazing coffee shop!

Checking and Selling Parts

Check Parts: You can check your Parts in the coffee shop storage.

Excess Storage: You can store Parts even if you exceed the storage capacity.

Sell Parts: You can sell unneeded Parts for 500 Gold each in the storage.

Uses for Parts

Storage upgrades
Shop expansions and Garden expansions
Opening the Gift shop
Opening the BBQ shop and upgrading the bus
Repairing and upgrading the fruit juice stand, takeout stand, smart car, and dock

How to Get Parts

Complete daily challenges: Get 1 Part
Free items: Get 1 Part every 8 hours from the mailbox at the shop entrance (requires watching an ad)
Free packages: Get Parts from packages when you reach Seed, Sprout, Leaf, Branch, or Bean Grade
Premium packages: Get Parts when you purchase premium packages
Randomly from fruit juice stand, takeout, smart car, boat order
Purchase with Coco when you are short on Parts in the upgrade window

Daily challenges and free items will give you the Part you have the least of.