Hello Coffee Shop
Manager/Staff Item Making Storage Item Sales Shop Expansion Garden Expansion Level Up Shop Grade Reputaion/Customers
Takeout Smart Car Boat Order
Fruit Juice Stand
Orchard Fruit Storage Fruit Delivery Van Fruit Tree
Coco Gold Parts
Coco Package Premium Package Coco Fruit Tree
Free Item Free Package
Daily Quest Manager Mission Daily Challenge Achievement
Gift Shop BBQ Shop and Bus Friends Ranking Account/Profile Game Settings
AppsTree language


The Storage is where you store produced items and manage items for in-store sales, takeout orders, smart car deliveries, and boat orders.

Each shop (Coffee Shop, Gift Shop, BBQ Shop) has its own Storage.

Storing Completed Items

Ready for Storage: A green balloon appears above the storage.

Insufficient Storage Space: An orange balloon appears above the storage.

Store All at Once: Tap the green balloon to store all completed items.

Store Individual Items: Tap the barista's speech bubble, then select 'Store' in the pop-up window.

Checking Barista Status

Green Balloon: All items produced, barista is resting.

White Balloon (No Time Display): One or more items completed, production in progress.

White Balloon (With Time Display): First item in queue is being produced.

Displaying Stored Items

To sell items in your shop, you must first place them on display stands.

Tap Storage: Opens the storage screen.

The Coffee Shop storage also stores parts in addition to products.

You can store Parts even if you exceed the storage capacity.

Select Item and Quantity: Select the item and quantity you want to display.

Tap 'Place' Button and Select Stand: The item will be displayed on the selected stand.

Items on display cannot be returned to storage or used for orders/deliveries.

Storage Upgrade

Tap 'Increase Storage' Button: Opens the upgrade pop-up window.

Maximum Storage Level and Capacity
Max LevelMax Capacity
Coffee Shop3610,800
Gift Shop206,000
BBQ Shop103,000